During a truffle ceremony, you can descend on an inner journey into the subconscious. This truffle journey contains 3 stages

Guided truffle ceremony
What is a truffle ceremony? During a truffle ceremony at Triptherapie you make an introspective journey to the subconscious. The psilocybin in the truffles helps you with this and that offers the possibility to go to a deeper level […]

The Truffle Ceremony and the Dosage of Psilocybin
Psychedelics in the Truffle Ceremony The truffle ceremonies all have their unique additions; some are purely decorative, while others offer welcome experiences that enhance the depth of the ceremony. At their core, a truffle ceremony is about the inner […]

The purpose of a truffle ceremony
Goals for a truffle ceremony are good to set. These intentions increase the chance of success. What can you expect a truffle ceremony to do for you?

Truffle ceremony experiences: 6 great reviews
The truffle ceremony experiences of others can help to gain more insight into how truffle ceremonies work.

What is a truffle ceremony and what is important to know?
Truffle ceremony becoming more famous Since the end of 2021, there has been increasing interest in psychedelics such as magic truffles, thanks to the media and scientific research. Since then, there have been more and more providers of the truffle ceremony. During a truffle ceremony […]

The positive effects of a truffle ceremony
What is a truffle ceremony? A truffle ceremony is a communal experience in which you use truffles to induce a psychedelic experience. This ceremony is led by an experienced facilitator or therapist who [....]

Truffle ceremony Flevoland
Magic Truffle ceremony in Flevoland From September 2023 we offer a new location for the truffle ceremonies for groups in Flevoland. We will use the facilities of Yügen Forest. Yūgen Forest is a […]

The best 5 truffle ceremony goals
Why a truffle ceremony? The goals of a truffle ceremony naturally vary and differ per person. Whether the best truffle ceremony goals or intentions exist is a matter of debate, but in general there is a […]